
How I Heal Wounds Even When I’m Immunocompromised

Pfizer’s own data that they were forced to release (Japan required them to release it) shows what spike distribution around our body might look like. One high area of concentration is the lymph nodes – spike attacks your immune system (in fact, if you really want to get scared, read about the parallels between what HIV does to people and what Covid does – no surprise, considering Fauci was an HIV expert).

Anyways. I’m incredibly immunocompromised – and one of the ways I know this is that cuts take FOREVER to heal. And they get infected really really easily. Cuts – until I discovered how to heal them! – were a really big deal – I got a scratch on my thumb from opening a bottle of olive oil – may 1/16 of an inch deep, and 1/4 inch long. Usually no big deal. It started to get infected – oh boy. That’s the LAST thing I needed. So, I experimented. And here’s what I found.

Honey + Arnica Montana. That’s it. It’s magic. My wounds were taking about 1-2 weeks to heal, if at all (some just kind of stayed open – ug). I started putting raw honey on them – at least before bed, but also just whenever I’d think about it; I’d just let the honey sit for about 5 minutes -and ta-da! They heal literally overnight. I’m not exaggerating.

About an hour ago, before writing this post I bit my tongue – in the words of my wife, “Wow, your tongue is bleeding everywhere.” Hm.

I put some honey on it, and took some Arnica. I kid you not – my tongue no longer hurts, and, with another round of honey + arnica, I am 100% certain I won’t even remember it by tomorrow. A week ago, before discovering this, I had bitten the side of my mouth (sheesh, what’s up with me!) and it wasn’t healing, again. Honey + arnica – boom. The very next day, completely healed. Only a tiny mark left on the side of my cheek that I could feel with my tongue – no pain, no bleeding, no wound left.

Please don’t tell anyone – the last thing we need is for pharmaceutical companies to get a hold of this, and then we’ll all need prescriptions to get raw honey ๐Ÿ˜€

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