
It’s Unnatural: Healing From Multiple Organ Spike Poisoning

Let’s say you hit the booze hard, oh so many years ago (bear with me). Now, you’re having some mild liver problems – your liver inflammation caused scarring. This is not good. But, your other organs, though maybe not as healthy as they could have been, have escaped the worst of it, and can now step up to support your ailing liver. Yes, your liver is in tough shape, but your pancreas can afford to work overtime, so to speak, to make up for the liver. Your small intestine, your heart, and even your colon, all pitch in different ways to make up for your liver’s weakness. Now (if you know where to look, and how to do it) theoretically, you can heal, leaning on the other organs to support your troubled liver.

That’s usually the way it is – in most “natural” scenarios. Again, think of surgery: yes, your stitched-up limb has a big “owie,” but the other areas of your body are there to help it heal: you can’t jog, but your heart can keep up for now, etc. etc. etc.

But Covid spike poisoning is different. It’s not natural at all – far from it.

When the spike blizzard hits your gizzards, it’s essentially simultaneous. Every organ – and accompanying vital systems like your veins, immune system, etc. – gets hit hard and all together. You can no longer rely on Organ #1 coming to the rescue of Organ #2. Suddenly, it’s every man for himself, so to speak, in organville.

For example, I had autoimmune issues which reduced me down to eating meat, and only meat (see the book for more details on this). What I didn’t realize is that meat is great for most of your body (it did absolute wonders for my gut), it’s tough on the pancreas, because the pancreas has to work overtime to secrete enough digestive enzymes for all the fat and protein in meat. No problem if you’re healthy. Big problem is the pancreas has a truckload of inflammatory spike clinging to it. In my instance, I actually didn’t injure my pancreas so much as a little-known oddly-named component called the “Sphincter of Oddi.” (pronounced “O-D”, usually denoted by the acronym SOD. I’ve taken to calling it SOB because it hurts so much now). It was named after the guy who first wrote about it in the 1800’s. Why we still call it by that name, I have no idea – but essentially, this little gateway is the one-way valve that lets the digestive enzymes etc. from your liver, pancreas, and gallbladder into your small intestine. In my instance, I think celiac + alot of fat probably pushed this sphincter over the edge, and irritated it like crazy, causing those wonderful enzymes to back up into my pancreas, and – ouch – probably start autodigesting the pancreas. (I did ultimately figure this all out, and figure out how to correct it, thank the Good Lord.)

The short and sweet point is this: if you’re in a tough long-covid spot, keep in mind that everything is under pressure. Don’t do anything extreme if you can help it (I couldn’t). Don’t rely too much on one organ or system, especially if you don’t usually put stress on that (e.g. completely cutting all salt, or overloading way more salt than usual – etc. You get the idea). Take it easy, take it slow. Take it easy, stay balanced.

74 replies on “It’s Unnatural: Healing From Multiple Organ Spike Poisoning”

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