How Covid Almost Killed Me – Online Version

Formatted to be read on any Mobile Device. I’ve done my best to update this page as changes are made, but for the most updated edition, with footnotes, charts, etc., read the pdf ebook.

For the reader who may be interested but time-limited, let me briefly summarize some of the things I learned the very, very hard way:

  1. Even if you’ve had Covid, you almost certainly still have Covid’s #1 bioweapon feature ripping up your insides – specifically, your vital organs and systems (immune system, etc.). (In fact, unless you had early treatment for acute Covid, you almost certainly have this!)
  2. If you don’t detox, it can hurt you very very badly, and likely shorten your lifespan significantly – which is what it’s designed to do.
  3. Bad news: your natural immunity isn’t going to cut it here. This bioweapon is designed to use your natural immunity against you (read for how and why – it’s crucial to understand).
  4. So read the book, because what you don’t know will hurt you. If you really really don’t have time, I’d suggest the audiobook while you’re in the car or whatnot. You absolutely could skip to the detox section (chapter 6 & 7) or take a look at the detox page – but without understanding the mechanism of Covid, you won’t be able to detox as effectively. I say read the book – because when it comes to treating and detoxing Covid, time is of the essence.

Chapter 1: Me and My Story

This story is about me.

I don’t mean that in a conceited, me-monster way. Rather, I realized while pondering how I could write this book, that I’m not here to tell anyone what to do, or voice this as some authoritative tome. Rather, I’m here to tell you about my story, and how I interpret it – the reader is welcome to take it or leave it. In that sense, I don’t consider this “objective.” I fully expect an interested reader to, amongst other things, critically weigh my perspective, and compare it to what they know. I’m not writing this as a medical professional, a scientist, or someone who claims that they have official certification that grants them some kind of recognized authority on this topic.

In a certain sense though, I do have “certification” – certification that probably 99% of medical professionals and scientists won’t have. I have experience. I’ve been there; I’ve seen and felt the Covid bioweapon wreak destructive havoc on my body, and – I believe – almost kill me. More importantly, despite being in a category that is at a high risk of mortality (those for whom covid precipitates a massive autoimmune response), I’ve beat it. I won. Covid lost.[1] I know how to beat it – at least for me personally. I don’t have to study double-blind placebo studies; I don’t have to ask the “experts”; I don’t have to listen when the propaganda machines tell us treatments are “fringe” or “dangerous.” I know. I was there. I know what worked (for me), and what didn’t. In other words, by now, I trust my own experience more than any medical expert (within things that I’ve experienced) – because I’ve done it. It’s not theory for me – it’s experience.

At first, I considered writing this piece anonymously. But, I realized, forget it. I’m fine with being censored – whatever, I’m not on social media except fb marketplace (and I’m fine if someone attacks me for my views here. This is my story, and I’m calling it like I see it. Here’s the deal: ultimately, someone is trying to hurt or kill me. And you. And my wife. And my babies. This is no time to be guarded and squeamish. This is deadly. This is war. And it’s not a war somewhere else on the planet now. This is my war. This is your war. Whoever is behind this – they brought it to our door.

That is what I mean when I say that “this story is all about me.” The reader can take it or leave it, in whole or in part. As far as I’m concerned, the story I’m telling here is gold. It speaks for itself; it conveys its own value. I’m not writing this to be a popular hit – I’m writing it because I know it’ll help people who are willing to read it – and because I wish I had found something like this six months ago, to help me. By God’s providence, I’ve come through this alive – and reading it could be enormously beneficial. At very least, I promise that it will give you plenty to think about regarding the Covid bioweapon. And I can promise this – because for me, it’s not theory. Everything I’ve learned has only been learned through painful experience.

I keep saying I don’t have professional certification. But I’m not totally oblivious when it comes to personal health – far from it. Although I’m a lawyer, I come from a medical family (in fact, as you’ll hear, it was my Dad who correctly attributed my devastating symptoms to Covid, long before I would even considered that possibility). I have multiple siblings, in-laws, and friends who are involved in the medical field at all levels – care, science, nutrition, etc. Not only did I grow up immersed in medical and nutrition science, but I can say with some certainty that I am fairly adept at “listening” to my health needs. Shortly after college, I was benching 400 lbs. I never injured myself, because I believed – and still believe – that listening to your body was crucial. Some days I’d show up to the gym, lift a single weight, and leave. I could sense my body was just telling me, “not today.” I’d like to think I do have a “knack” for listening to my body. But you can read this, and weigh my analysis and reasons for yourself.

I’ll leave it to you to assess my health credibility. After all, this story is just my perspective – just “about me.”

[1] In a certain sense, it’s a bit premature for me to say “I won” with finality, because I am in fact in the middle of battling Covid. I see light at the end of the tunnel, but keep me in your prayers. In that same vein, I’ll be updating this book on the website ( periodically – after all, I’m in the middle of this battle, and every day I learn something new. But the substance of it will stay the same – I’ll refine my response, but I finally was given the grace to understand what was happening. Normally, I’d wait until it was all over, and then put out a book, etc. But right now, I can’t wait; this is happening in realtime – and it’s incredibly time-sensitive. For that reason, again, regard this as what it is: simply my story. 

Chapter 2: Let Me Bore You With My Health History

Everyone loves to talk about their ailments. And why not? It’s virtually impossible not to pay much attention to something that’s making you wretched 24/7. After all, everybody loves watching suffering – suffering and conflict are the key ingredients that make soap operas irresistible to most of the population (*barf). What’s more preoccupying than your own suffering?

But I promise I have a reason. A very good reason. I’m telling you about my preexisting condition. But then I want you to think about your preexisting conditions – including the ones you don’t know about. I certainly didn’t know about mine.

One of my earliest memories is of a college-age guy coming over to build a project for my Mom and Dad – I think it was a chicken coop or something. Stewart. I remember bugging Stewart along with my brother, as any 4 or 5 year old boy will do, and Stewart grinning and looking up at (shirtless) me and quipping, “got a little potbelly there eh?”

I had no idea what a “potbelly” was then. And, as time went on, even though I soon discovered what that word meant, up until the fall of 2021 I had no idea why I had this potbelly. Even in college, at peak fitness, I remember someone from my dorm assessing my abs, pointing to my spare tire: “what the hell’s that?” No matter how hard I tried, abs, core, running, etc., I simply could not shake my spare tire – oh well.  No big deal.

And I suppose it wasn’t. Until it was.

Let’s talk about celiac. (Yes – as it turns out, this “spare tire” was celiac inflammation – an autoimmune reaction triggered by eating gluten.)

Wait a minute: isn’t this story about covid? Why on earth are we talking about celiac?

For two reasons. (1) understanding how celiac inflammation works will actually clarify how the covid bioweapon works, and (2) in order to understand how the Covid bioweapon worked on me, you actually do need to understand how celiac works. And, by understanding that, you can also transpose it to how the Covid bioweapon could be working on you.

So let’s talk about my celiac.

I knew next to nothing about those “gluten free” people. So, if you’re an expert in celiac already, forgive me if I start at the very basics.

As it turns out, celiac is not just a “sensitivity” (there are people with gluten sensitivity, that’s different), it’s not an allergy (similar, but different); it’s an autoimmune response. Let me explain.

In order to get celiac, you first have to have leaky gut. This usually happens to you when you’re a wee lad – think just after you’re weaned and eating solid foods. In my case, it could have been any number of things – eating too much sugar, growing up next to a roundup-drenched cornfield, drinking too much pasturized/homogenized milk (yes, sterilized factory milk is wretchedly hard on your gut – and turns out I have double-whammy genetic dairy sensitivity too. It was probably that). Regardless – somehow I got leaky gut: in other words, when I ate, micro-particles of incompletely-digested food were escaping my gut, getting in places they should not be, and wreaking havoc in my body. My body’s response was to create special antibodies to attack the worst offender (gluten) whenever it came down my gut – and in doing so, attacked my own gut, inflaming it like crazy and causing my spare tire – my potbelly that Stewart had noticed.

This is different than a “sensitivity.” I’m dairy sensitive. That means that (when I’m well), I could “cheat,” and eat a small amount of dairy. Tiny bit of dairy = tiny bit of inflammation. No problem: sorry, I’m not giving up my Pizza Ranch just for that.

Celiac is very different – it’s an autoimmune response that generates a cloud of these self-attacking antibodies inside of me. In other words, I have a cloud of hornets inside of me – either a small cloud of annoyed hornets (what I had growing up), or a GIANT crowd of ANGRY hornets (what I have now – we’ll get to why that changed in a minute). When ONE SINGLE MOLECULE of gluten comes down the pipe – these hornets go bonkers, attacking me.[1] Growing up, there wasn’t much of these hornets, and they’d just cause the “spare tire.”

But then something changed… as you’ll hear in a moment. Suddenly, this small swarm turned into a GIANT ANGRY ARMY, and every time I even got a micro-dose of gluten, I was WRECKED for several days. But – as I read online, and the GI Doc informed me – that’s just what suddenly happens. And we don’t really know why.

The average age of celiac onset is just after weaning – little tike age. The average age of this “attack,” where the hornet swarm goes from small to BIG is forty years old. The average time it takes to get a diagnosis after this transformation? Five years. Five wretched, painful years. I was lucky, in that respect – it took me two months.

Yawn. Great. Now we know all we need to know, right? Let’s get to Covid.

Not so fast. You see, there’s a key word here that I want to cover, one that people aren’t really worried about. The word? Inflammation.

Inflammation is like a wild animal (and same for the Covid bioweapon!). You don’t need to worry too much about it – as long as you understand it and respect it. Inflammation is sometimes called “the silent killer.” Why?

Think about what inflammation is. Inflammation isn’t really a symptom. Inflammation causes symptoms – I call them “secondary symptoms.” My “secondary symptoms” of celiac were my spare tire and occasional nasty stomach pain. But if my celiac were to precipitate something else, say, Lymphoma (common in celiac), you wouldn’t think “oh man, he died from celiac inflammation!” Pretty much no one dies, and has written on their death certificate, “Bob died of inflammation.” No.[2] Instead, inflammation causes other symptoms to develop – secondary symptoms. This is why it can take forever to diagnose celiac disease – it looks different in every person. For me, it was the “spare tire.” For someone else, it could be kidney problems. “IBS.” Lymphoma. Vitamin deficiency. Crohn’s. Bags under the eyes. Literally – thousands of things.

Inflammation is a gentle but persuasive killer. It doesn’t seem to hurt you, and it makes you think you can “cheat” it. So what – I have a spare tire. A little extra pressure? I’ll loosen my belt, no problem.

But there is a problem. As time goes on, inflammation pushes… and pushes… and pushes… and eventually, whatever the weakest link in your body is, gives. SNAP. You thought you were ok – but suddenly, you’re thyroid is FREAKING OUT. Suddenly, you have polyps in your colon. Jaundice. Whatever. SNAP. The inflammation pushed, pushed, pushed, oh so silently, until WHAM. Something snapped like a taut bowstring. First there was inflammation. Suddenly, these secondary symptoms – seemingly out of nowhere. But they most certainly did come from somewhere – they just crept up on you, so silently.

I was pretty darn healthy, all things considered. My physicals and blood tests all gave me two thumbs up. We all have inflammation, and our bodies have mechanisms to deal with it – “buffering” it by putting it somewhere out of the way.  In my case, my body was able to shove this inflammation into somewhere it could do minimal damage (my spare tire). In most people, especially those on the American Factory-food Diet™ you’ll see odd lumpy shapes, triple chins, obesity, and whatnot – this is their body trying to get inflammation (and inflammation-causing things, toxins, etc.) away from the body’s vital spots (organs, etc), where it could cause harm. It’s not recommended, but we can actually handle a decent amount of inflammation, especially over the short term.

But a cautionary note: that’s (quasi) natural inflammation. That’s inflammation where your body can “buffer” it, for example, by shielding it inside fat. What if there was a bioweapon that caused targeted inflammation – inflammation that somehow “hooked” on to key areas of your body – your white blood cells, your organs, etc. – and inflamed them? (spoiler alert, you guessed it, Covid).

[1] Incidentally, now you know why those “gluten free” people FREAK OUT about gluten. I’m not gluten free. I’m gluten FREAK. We got rid of pretty much all gluten in our house. I use a pan that I know hasn’t been used with gluten; if a pan is used with gluten, it’s washed 5-6 times before we use it again. ONE MOLECULE – and my swarm clobbers me. As time goes on, my swarm (and thus my sensitivity) will decrease – but it has a half-life of six months. Not only that, but despite mainstream medicine’s insistence that it can’t be done – I’m going to heal my celiac, actually heal it. I’ll be back, Pizza Ranch!

[2] That being said, vital organ is a death warrant – it’s the closest thing to killing you without being the “cause” of death. Your body will do anythinganythingto keep inflammation away from your organs, because it knows that the game is up, sooner or later, once an organ becomes inflamed (assuming that organ doesn’t heal fast). This is why organ inflammation usually has it’s own diagnosable label – e.g. “myocarditis” is just a certain kind of heart inflammation, “hepatitis” is just a certain kind of liver inflammation, “pancreatitis,” etc. Vital organ inflammation is so important that we label it specifically. Just keep that in mind!

Chapter 3: Setting the Stage

Anyways. Enough about celiac. Let’s get to the action.

So there I was, happily sporting a spare tire, with no problems. I was annoyed that I no longer fit my 34 pants – now I was more of a 35, but whatever.

Then one day, November 8, 2020[1] (the date is crucial, wait for it), I was carrying a 15-pound baby (i.e. not too heavy), and I felt a twinge down in the bottom right of my stomach, where the stomach and leg crease (the “inguinal” area). Ouch. Suddenly, I was getting light-headed, and felt nauseas. It was Sunday. I called the on-call Doc.

“Sounds to me like you have a hernia.” He told me.

Hernia? Turns out, several people in my family have inguinal hernias. So, there’s already a genetic disposition there. Must be it – just happened out of the blue, due to genetics. I guess that makes sense.

Let’s get this sucker patched up. I talked to the surgeon. Yep, we should patch it up asap, how about next week? Alright then. I hate this idea, but I’m not sure what else to do. Needles, scalpels, and mesh; waking up dizzy, boom. Hernia repaired. Good to go, recovery time.

I get it. The surgeon is a specialist. But I tend to care more about the health of the whole person, rather than the factory-like efficiency of the medical system. At no point did the surgeon ever ask, before cutting me up (beyond, “were you lifting anything?” No): what’s causing this? Maybe I’m just up on my high-and-mighty horse, but it seems like we should be asking that question. After all – something was pushing my gut from the inside. Patching it up might keep my guts from spilling out like Judas, but whatever’s problematic is still going to be problematic. But here we are.

That was November 2020. About 275 days later, in August 2021 (what’s this guy’s problem, why does he keep putting in weird dates?) At this point, my pant size was 38 on a good day, and hernia recovery hadn’t felt right. I kept getting twinges and pain, and I was getting more and more bloated instead of less and less. But all that’s normal, I was assured – it happens. Eventually, it’ll calm down, and you’ll get back to your old self.

There I was, August 20, 2021, on a Friday night of course, brushing my teeth. Not heavily lifting anything. Not doing anything strenuous. Brushing my teeth.

I felt a “twinge” in my hernia area. I took a drink of water. Suddenly, the lights start to go out. I see spots. I feel weak. I can’t stand up. I can’t hear well, or speak. I sink to the floor, struggling to stay conscious and remember to breathe. My wife, a month and a half postpartum, is obviously doing what she can to help, but what the heck is going on?

A friend arrived, and my wife and I made it to the ER. As long as I live (so far so good!) I’ll never forget that drive. What the heck was going on? Was this it? But it was only the beginning.

We arrived at the ER, and they hooked me up to the IV. About a half hour later, I was slowly returning to cognitive normalcy. The ER doc came in, told me my heart test and blood test were fine, and that I likely just had a panic attack.


I knew that wasn’t it. I’m no expert in panic attacks, but there was absolutely nothing that could have precipitated a panic attack. Now, I get it. The ER doc wants to put something on the paper. Who wants to say, “the patient came in, was blacking out, semi-conscious, and I have no idea why. Goodbye patient!” Apparently, patient’s not dying tonight; the ER doc’s got to keep moving. Patient can figure it out on his own time.

We knew it was some kind of vasovagal dilation that caused the blackout. But what caused that?

But I knew that it wasn’t a one-off deal. Little did I know, it was the “snap,” from the inflammation – pushing, pushing, pushing. From then on, I had a nasty “burning” feeling in my stomach – sort of like I ate too much hot sauce. Gradually, things went downhill. I began to feel drained – so weak I could hardly move. Headaches. Nausea. Dizziness. Brain fog. Stomach pain. All sorts of weird symptoms.

As time went on, it went from occasional, to constant. I couldn’t concentrate; I couldn’t do any meaningful task. I asked to take an unpaid leave of absence from my work, because I couldn’t function. My condition worsened. It was a nightmare.

The doctors I talked to, in my family and otherwise, had no idea what this could be – which is not surprising, considering that when it comes to the internals, it could be just about anything. We had a few theories, but none of them panned out.

I began to track everything I ate, drank, and did health-wise. In mid-September, I finally got in to see a GI doc. He listened, nodded, and ordered a few tests (he later did tell me he suspected I had celiac). I received a call a few days after the test from the GI nurse, telling me that my celiac results were “high,” but I should continue to eat gluten for the next two months until my EGD procedure (endoscopy, where they stick a camera tube down your throat into your stomach and take a sample of your intestinal tissue to confirm celiac). I learned later that this is called a “gluten challenge” – you’re directed to keep eating gluten so that the damage is still visible when they do the EGD. Ouch. No thank you.

But I didn’t really get it. I sort of knew I had a dairy sensitivity, and I figured this was just like it. “I’ll just minimize my gluten, eat small amounts.” I told myself. Shocker – I got worse.

Coming from a medical family, I of course wanted to see the blood test results for myself. I had to harangue to the GI records person to send them to me – she would only fax them (yes, this was 2021 folks). Finally, I asked her to fax them to my PCP, who, like any decent person, shared them with me via email. I sent them off to my family and in-laws, and shortly thereafter received a call from both my Dad and my Father-in-Law (both MDs).

“You’re TTG-IGA test (celiac/gluten) results are off the charts,” they told me. No, they told me, like really off the charts. As in, a 1-5 level on the chart means gluten sensitivity, 6-14 level means almost certainly celiac – and I was over 250 – literally more than the test could measure.

What the actual ____.

In other words, I wasn’t just celiac. I was RAGING celiac. That antibody-hornet swarm inside of me was BIG, and it was ANGRY. REALLY REALLY REALLY BIG AND ANGRY. Somehow – SOMEHOW – I had gone from “spare tire” celiac to OFF THE CHARTS celiac.

Over the next few weeks, I got “glutened” several times as I learned the ropes. Again – given how big my “hornet swarm” of antibodies was in me, even a single molecule of gluten would HAMMER me. I got glutened by things like garlic powder (likely produced in the same facility as wheat), a pencil-eraser bite of rice krispee (my truly wonderful Mom got gluten-free rice krispees – but the marshmallows had gluten), and various “gluten-free” foods.

Because it happened several times, I could tell exactly when I got “glutened.” It was always the same. I’d feel a twinge in my inguinal hernia area. Suddenly, my stomach would start to bloat like crazy. I’d get light headed, heart pounding. Then I’d get weak, too weak to even lift the tiny infant. Aaaaand… then I’d be k/o’d, struggling to recover for the next three or four days.

But, it was getting better. We got rid of all the gluten in the house, and got rid of any potential micro-doses. I started bringing my own food when we went places, as needed. I started gut-healing supplements, L-glutamine, collagen peptides, etc. We got this. It was definitely getting better.


Ah yes, the plot thickens.

November 15, 2021.  Remember that date (it’s ok I’ll remind you).

I had two or three bowls of rice stir-fry – a little much, maybe, but certainly not more than I could handle. I walked out to feed the dog. As I came back up the stairs, I felt something “give” in my stomach, just below my naval, as if something had just ripped. I started blacking out, spots swimming in front of my eyes. Weakness. Intense stomach pain. Oh no, what just happened.

For the next few days, I was really k/o’d. But something was different. Something was off. Again. I got worse. And worse. And worse… until it started to feel like anything I ate gave me the same reaction as gluten. What the heck – it was like celiac, but for everything.

Again, at this point I was tracking everything I was eating and doing (health-wise). THANK GOD – and I mean that – for that, because I believe it saved my life.

It was around this time that my Dad (again, Doctor) started saying, “are you sure this isn’t Covid-related?” Now, I’ll listen to anyone. It’s a lifelong policy of mine – that’s been quite helpful – that no matter how crazy someone sounds, I hear them out when they float their ideas my way. I may not agree. But I’ll think about it.

But in this case, I regret to say I didn’t pay much attention to my Dad’s idea that this was covid-related (sorry Dad). To be fair – how the heck could this be Covid? I’d had Covid, sometime in 2020, can’t remember when, and it’s nothing like this. I lost my taste and smell, had a low-grade fever, and was fine. Whatever this is, it can’t possibly be Covid. Clearly my Dad had gotten a little too “into” studying Covid.

Ah. About that.

After Thanksgiving, I started to get dramatically worse. Before it was a day or two of feeling icky, headache and lightheadedness, etc. Now it was hell. Heavy brain fog, nausea, dizziness, trouble breathing, chest pain, out-of-control heartrate (POTS), shivering, sweating, shaking, strange “poisoning” sensations, wretched stomach pain, complete weakness, massive bloating, and more – I could go on. And on. And on.

I tried all the things. Low FODMAP. Plus AIP. Plus supplement X. Plus Vitamin Y. A little improvement – one step forward, ten steps back. I was losing the battle, and I knew it.

“Am I going to die from this?” I asked my wife one evening. It’s a question I hope no one ever has to look their spouse in the eye and ask.

But then God’s providence came to the rescue. I called my brother (Dr. Anthony Jay, bio-scientist, take a look), and I told him I had been tracking everything I ate, meticulously, and narrowing down my diet. Saying it out-loud to him, I realized I was pretty much only eating meat – almost. “Why don’t you eat just meat?” He asked me. “And fast; like, don’t eat for most of the day. Or even stop eating for a few days.”

At that point, I had just begun to lose a bit of inflammation and weight, but my spare tire was as bloated as ever. At some point in November, I weighed in at the Doctor’s office at 220-225, and I was still tight in my size 38 pants.

“I can’t fast too crazy,” I thought. “I’ll fast somewhat, start and work my way up. But I can test the ‘all meat’ diet.”


Bless God for His Mercy. Not even the AIP + Low Fodmap diet was doing it for me at that point. I was losing, and I knew it.

I gave the all-meat diet a shot. By “meat,” I don’t mean baloney, sausage, etc. I mean meat. As in, only grassfed meat, and from different parts of the animal. Yeah, sure, roasts and “lean” cuts. But also bone broth.Liver. Tongue. Hooves. Lung. The chewy stuff around the bones. (Note to self, be cautious about overdosing on the organ meats, go easy). Blood (that was a big one – so tasty, like gravy, when you cook it, and easy to digest for the afternoons when my stomach wasn’t working well). I should also mention I also ate LOTS of fat (good fat: coconut oil, pasture-pig lard, uncooked olive oil, ghee), especially initially – almost a 1:1 ratio volume-wise with my meat.

I also started easing into fasting. I was originally giving my gut a break by not eating after 7pm. So I bumped that up to 5:30pm, and felt better. The next day I bumped that up to 3:30pm, and felt ever better. The next day I bumped that up to 12:30pm, and felt even better. I stuck to that for three days, then worked my way back to 3:30. Some days, I couldn’t bring myself to eat almost anything, but those were not good days, and they didn’t make me feel better. Wakeup-time to 3:30pm was my sweet spot.

I’m not going to get all the way into my regime for the sake of flow, but I’ll tack on an explainer at the end of what I did. It worked for me. Anyways.

One day a priest was scheduled to come over to give me anointing of the sick. An hour before he arrived, I saw a bowl of popcorn on the table. Surely, one little “cheat” wouldn’t hurt that much, right? I tossed back a few handfuls.


When the priest arrived, I was shaking, freezing, seeing spots. I had to lie down. I randomly, with no good reason, would try to get up and walk around, bumping into walls and reeling – my wife would catch me and force me to lie back down. I tried talking to the priest, but I was talking gibberish, and my tongue wasn’t moving correctly: “Blaghguoueyy dueuoou oooue,” was all I could say at certain points. I think I knitted some coherency together for most of it – but it was all I could do. Dang it. That popcorn WRECKED me, far worse than gluten ever did. Did it have gluten in it? No. Butter and salt – we’d removed all gluten from the house. WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?

You’d think I’d learn. But you’d be wrong. Because two days later, I spied some almond butter on the table. A half-spoonful of that won’t hurt me – right? You guessed it – WRONG. WHAM. Down for the count (not as bad as the popcorn thankfully – but trashed for 2-3 days). About a week later, I (intentionally, for diagnosis) took a small sip of tomato juice – ouch. Not good.

Ok. This is something I’d have to take seriously, whatever it was. I still have no idea. Lupus? Who knows. All I know is that it’s an autoimmune response when I eat just about anything except meat. I’ve had a CT scan, an MRI, and EGD, a sonogram, blood/urine/fecal tests up the wazoo – and everything came down the pipe “two thumbs up.” No Crohn’s. Organ functions/vital functions good. Etc. Etc. (low lymphocyte % and slightly enlarged spleen 13.1cm were all that turned up).

And every time, when I’d tell my Dad, “I’m getting a blood test/MRI/CT scan, etc.” he’d say, “yeah, well, I think this may be Covid-related – and if it is, I’m going to predict that your test comes back normal.”

Normal MRI. Normal CT. Normal Sonogram. Normal Blood tests, of many and varied kinds. Normal urine tests. Normal fecal tests. Normal normal normal. For someone who felt like he was dying, I was apparently pretty healthy.

Maybe it was time I actually considered the possibility it might be Covid-related.


But how?

[1] Not just because it’s my wife’s birthday. Impeccable timing, sheesh.

Chapter 4: Let’s (Finally) Talk Covid

If you’re anything like me, at this point, you may be thinking: you keep mentioning Covid[1]. What the heck does any of this have to do with Covid?

But here’s the deal. You’re already 90% there. You have all almost the parts, just like I did. Now put the pieces of the puzzle together, and the picture emerges, like a ghost in the fog.

The only thing I didn’t really understand is how the Covid bioweapon works. You see, once you know that, it all makes sense, plain as pie (gluten free, please). I thought – and you might think – “Covid is basically a runny nose! Why would I care about that? Big WHUP.” If you think that – you’re wrong. Potentially dead wrong. But once you know how Covid works, you don’t have to worry about it – it is relatively easy to combat.

So, without further ado, let’s talk COVID. Let’s talk bioweapons.

Now, think about your assumptions about what a bioweapon looks like. Hollywood is America’s propaganda machine. Everybody knows this, yawn, old news. But think about how bioweapons are presented to us in Hollywood movies. Dramatic. Evil. Foaming-at-the-mouth-death the instant you catch this deadly thing. Mission Impossible, the Chimera. Like Ebola. Yikes.

But that’s dumb. Having worked in Hollywood, and worked firsthand with people who were CIA agents (I’m not kidding), I have firsthand experience that Hollywood is the propaganda arm of the regime – and everyone there knows it. The characterization of the bioweapon as these dramatic Ebola-type mechanisms that cause you to die within seconds is literally presented to throw you off the scent – the idea that the best bioweapons are like that is so 100 years ago, mustard-gas type stuff. Think about it.

If you were designing a bioweapon against an army, you’d want something quick. But if you were planning a worldwide controlled die-off, eliminating massive swaths of population, wouldn’t your design look much different? You’d design something that killed slowly and silently, over months, years, and maybe even decades.[2] Optimally, when it claimed a victim, it would be almost impossible to spot – they didn’t die from that (your bioweapon), they had a kidney failure! Thyroid cancer! Myocarditis! And a thousand other things. You’d want to design something that caused other things to cascade – secondary symptoms.[3]

You’d want something that’s camouflage. You’d want something that’s the silent killer.

We’ve heard that characterization before – the silent killer. That’s inflammation. But inflammation’s not so bad, right? People can buffer it, just like they buffer factory-farm toxins and fast carbs – right?

Yeah maybe. Unless it’s targeted inflammation, that clusters to your vital organs, persistently clings to them, prevents you from buffering that inflammation, and slowly and silently causes massive inflammation to your vital organs.

That’s bad. REALLY bad. And that’s what the Covid bioweapon is. Let me explain.

The Covid bioweapon is a virus. Viruses work by getting into you somehow (airborne, etc.), injecting themselves into your cells, hijacking those cells, replicating, and repeating the process over and over again. Eventually, either you win (yay), or the virus wins and you die (not yay).

But the Covid bioweapon isn’t just any old plain-jane virus.[4] This virus was designed by people who knew exactly what they wanted to accomplish.[5] Look at a graphic of the Covid virus. The virus is surrounded by a cluster of “spike proteins” – a real premium feature if you wanted to kill large swaths of the population over time. Those spike proteins are real stars of the show here – those are the monkey wrenches that cause inflammation.[6] But there’s a catch – literally. These spike proteins are like cockleburs – it’s as if they have a little chemical burr-hook that latches onto key areas in your system – specifically, things like lymph nodes, vital or  reproductive organs, etc.[7] In other words – key areas of your body that you need intact to live.

These spike proteins latch onto your body’s cells, and help the virus inject themselves into, and thereby hijack, your body’s cells. However, after this injection is accomplished, these spike proteins float away – and latch. And when they latch, they won’t let go – not for a LONG time. In the meantime, they’re causing intense inflammation – right on your vital organs or other key areas.[8]

This means two things:

  • You’ll have intense inflammation from these spike proteins, for a long time
  • You usually won’t feel it, other than minor irritations/tiredness/etc., because organ pain is very hard to “place” – this is why, for example, heart attack pain can happen in the jaw, or arm. [9]

The “cloud” of spike that the Covid bioweapon gives off builds up. As more replications happen, more spike protein gets released into your bloodstream – and more spike finds its way into your vital organs, settling in to cause inflammation. This is why the infamous “8th day” of Covid (anywhere from the 8th to 12th day of Covid) is such a killer – this is when the spike “flood” your system, causing blockages and systematic inflammation in key areas, such as capillaries and vital organs. This is also why you can lose your taste and smell with Covid – because the spike latch on to key areas in your respiratory system (taste and smell receptors) and clog them up. Only once they’re knocked off those receptors do you get your taste and smell back – and if they’re on for too long, there’s a chance they could snap off or destroy those receptors, in which case you’ll permanently lose your taste and/or smell. Don’t forget about that eight-day inflammation – we’ll be coming back to that.

But wait – there’s more. Turns out – a lot more. Since I first started sharing this book, I’ve delved into the long-term effects of Covid more and more – and there’s even more nasty surprises than I originally thought.

There’s this thing called “Covid long haul” that my Dad kept talking about. Turns out – this is not a here-and-there thing. Covid long-haul is central to this bioweapon’s killing strategy – and if you’ve had Covid, there’s a very good chance you’re experiencing it right now.

What? “But I’m doing just fine, thanks. It’s been months.”

I’m telling you: this is a bioweapon. If they designed something that was dramatic, like you see in movies, people would do something to fight it – they would deconstruct it, unite, and combat it. But it’s very difficult to get people to take something seriously if they think they’ve beat it and moved past it.

That’s certainly what I thought. Past tense.

Here’s the deal with long-haul: at first, Covid enters through your respiratory system. At a certain point, however, it gets into your bloodstream (which is why gargling with diluted Apple Cider Vinegar is helpful, by the way – knocks Covid off your throat, and prevents it from getting down into your gut, and then bloodstream). Once it’s in your bloodstream, Covid continues to replicate for up to ~275 days. But wait – even more! Even after it’s through replicating, Covid’s spike protein’s will stubbornly cling to your vital organs/key areas – again, causing inflammation – for up to another 15 months[10]. Ouch. That’s pretty much two years – and that’s if you get Covid once.

If you think you’re in the clear after you’ve gotten and moved past Covid, think again. At first, you only had a little bit of this spike floating around in you. But now – months later – this bioweapon has had time to replicate, shed, replicate, shed, replicate, and blizzard your innards with spike protein, all clinging to key vital areas in your body. Unless you got lucky – and the weapon is designed to minimize that chance – your gizzards are covered in covid spike blizzards. NOT GOOD.

And this is just the start – all of these are related to the above, but are their own happy little features that Covid brings to party even harder:


I mentioned in a previous footnote that a Moderna-patented synthetic gene was used in the Covid bioweapon design. Another fun fact that has been uncovered since I began to share this book is that the bioweapon designers also used HIV strands to deploy this weapon (the professor who revealed this happened to be dead six days later). HIV hijacks the human immune system, tricking it and disabling it so that anything that happens to come down the pipe destroys the victim.

It may or not be this HIV strand that is responsible for another feature of the Covid bioweapon that causes long-Covid: in addition to everything else, Covid (right off the bat, i.e. acute covid) tricks your body’s immune system, hijacking it and preventing it from responding properly. This is why many acute Covid victims die from “cytokine storm” – Covid “tricked” their immune system to respond in a massive-hyperactive response, resulting in the victim’s death.

But this doesn’t stop after acute Covid, unfortunately. A Covid-hijacked immune system is another “gift that keeps on giving” from this weapon.

Here’s how it works: normally, when you get, say, a sore throat, your immune system kicks into gear, initiates inflammation, and you get a sore throat. That inflammation does helpful things that helps your body fight the bad guys (the active infecting virus/bacteria causing the sore throat). Good. After your immune system opens its can of whupass on the offending virus/bacteria, and eliminates them, your immune system tells you body, “ok – we’re done now. You can stop the inflammation and resume as normal.” This is the normal, natural, healthy response.

But Covid isn’t natural. Covid isn’t normal. Covid is a bioweapon.

Covid – somehow – tricks your immune system into never shutting off its hyper-immune response. In other words, it would be like getting a sore throat, eliminating the offending infecting virus, but then never having your sore throat go away – except with Covid, it’s not your throat that’s inflamed and sore: it’s your kidneys, your liver, your brain, your vascular system. Oof.[11]


I know I talk about the spike protein here – spike, spike, spike – but believe it or not there’s 29 wonderful little proteins attached to the SARS-COV2 virus. At least five of those (one of which is indeed the S1, aka “spike protein”) have been shown to cause “vascular damage” – i.e. they interfere with your blood flow. As far as I have been able to tell thus far, this is also augmented by harmful auto-antibodies clogging your blood flow (I’m sure there’s a close relationship between those auto-antibodies and the 5 proteins).

So, here’s the situation: not only do you have clinging spike clogging your capillaries, but you also have four other proteins causing problems and preventing optimal blood flow around your body – blood flow that would have been vital to help rescue your inflamed organs and brain. If you’ve had Raynaud’s phenomenon-type symptoms (i.e. cold/pale extremities) following your covid infection, and you just can’t figure out why – well, maybe now you know.


Unfortunately, this is one that I learned the hard way: not only does Covid hit you, and not only does it inflame everything simultaneously – but it also very often triggers other 3rd viruses/conditions that you may not have even known you had. Apparently the most common of these – and what hit me very very hard – is the Epstein-Barr Virus – aka “Mono.” Mono hides out in your system, and will suddenly slam you when activated by something – in this case, Covid. And Mono is fairly nasty – it hits your spleen and liver, and when your spleen and liver are already stretched thin by celiac and spike poisoning… well, yeah. Not how I’d choose to pass the time. I was fortunate to have a stellar Doc who caught my EBV, and we beat it back down with Spironolactone – again, better late than never.


I mention a little more about how this works in the following chapter, but the short story here is that Covid is designed to “tempt” your body to precipitate an autoimmune reaction – i.e. your body attacking yourself. Once this happens, it’s incredibly difficult to diagnose, and just as horrific to try and heal from.  I look back from here to when my celiac all started – maaaaaaan, celiac was so easy (I just got glutened the other day from lentils though – ugh). But, when you’re post-covid and wondering: what the !@#$ is going on? Don’t forget to assess this factor too!



Think about this too: think about how healing usually works. Usually, one thing goes wrong, and you give the impaired thing a break by asking other organs/elements of your body to work harder to compensate for that injury. For example, you get surgery – you put stress on your heart, lungs, legs, etc., but sitting still for long periods of time. This is fine – when those other elements are healthy. But think about how Covid works: Covid targets everything at once. You no longer have the luxury of putting extra stress on your liver to help your pancreas out, etc. You’re getting carpet bombed by this spike blizzard – everywhere all at once. These villains designed their weapon to indiscriminately destroy –attack you, your babies, your families and friends, at every possible angle simultaneously, to prevent your body from naturally compensating for its weaker areas. Demonic.

We know Covid is a bioweapon. We don’t have to even debate this anymore. So why would be outrageous to think that subsequent “variants” (probably not all, but some, e.g. “omicron”) are just natural?[12] In other words, if the perpetrators of this bioterrorism have the goal of causing this nasty inflammation… wouldn’t it make sense, after the initial blast-off, to continue hitting the population with “low-risk” strains – making sure that the spike inflammation would continue to – oh, so silently – grow? Pushing, pushing, pushing…

But it doesn’t matter – regardless, if you’ve had Covid, your vital organs are (potentially) getting raked over the coals right now.[13]



The vaccine?

Nope (in fact, the opposite is true).

Unless, ivermectin.

Unless, detox.

[1] By the way, when I say “covid,” I use that interchangeably to mean the clinical condition, virus, etc.

[2] This is a crucial concept, one that more and more will come to the forefront of conversations – unfortunately, by then it will be too late. For more on this, see: This is why you need to detox NOW.

[3] If you were intelligent, you’d also wage a propaganda war that would fool both divides – those who trust propaganda sources, and those who don’t. Those who trust would be driven to live in malleable fear, while those who mistrusted would react, and completely ignore the very real threat this bioweapon presents. Don’t be deceived – the media’s blitz was never meant to convince the skeptical – it was meant to entrench them in the belief that they can simply ignore covid, that covid is basically just a bad cold. But it’s not – it’s a carefully-designed bioweapon.

[4] Dr. Peter McCullough, in his January 3, 2022 interview with Info Wars, describes Covid as a lethally-designed “loaded weapon,” custom-made to accomplish biowarfare (see segment 2 in this link).

[5] Fun fact: the virus was designed with a synthetic genetic strand (i.e. not occurring in nature) – coded  CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG – known as the artificial “MSH3 gene.” This particular gene was required to create the deadly “furin cleavage site” that you’ve no doubt read about if you’ve dug into Covid. Also a fun fact – Moderna coincidentally happens to own the patent for this synthetic MSH3 gene. Sharing is caring!

[6] Only a few days after I began to share the first edition of this book, Project Veritas published the report from Major Joseph Murphy that provided concrete proof that Covid is indeed, a carefully-designed bioweapon. Not only that, but the high-level documents he referenced led him to confirm that indeed, the other aspects of Covid are red herrings, that the spike protein is indeed the premium bioweapon feature of Covid: “[Covid] less a virus than it is engineered spike proteins hitchhiking a ride on SARSr-CoV quasispecies swarm…it is a synthetic spike protein chimera engineered to attach to human ACE2 receptors and inserted into a recombinant bat SARSr-CoV backbone.”

[7] For example, see AFD’s complaint in the US District Court for the Northern District of Alabama filed 07/19/21, pg. 11.

[8] See Pfizer’s own data, pg. 13:

[9] Your organs are incredibly interconnected, so inflammation to them won’t necessarily make you think, “oh, that’s my [vital organ].” If you’ve ever had an MRI, and they inject you with the contrast, you’ll know firsthand how beautifully the human body is interconnected – they inject your arm with the stuff, and literally seconds later, you feel warm in your crotch. You can get the same effect by rubbing garlic on your feet (you’ll get garlic breath in seconds) or rubbing peppermint oil on your back (you’ll taste peppermint). Your body is fearfully and wonderfully made – and, duh, way more organically connected than we’ve grown accustomed to thinking.

[10] In what should be a surprise to no one by now, the CDC has simply lied about this fact in relation to vaccine-induced spike (“may stay in the body a few weeks.”). Spike protein clings to your innards for up to 15 months, and all the while continues doing what it was designed to do.

[11] I had good luck with low-dose Naltrexone – essentially to manually modulate my immune response and compensate for Covid having tricked my immune system. Better late than never.

[12] For example, Covid was traced to having originated in a bat. There is evidence, on the other hand, that “Omicron” was designed from a mouse. Clearly not a natural “variant” – this seems to be a lab-designed, intentionally-released bioweapon program. I’m convinced that I had “covid” (i.e. the original design, the “delta” design, and the “omicron” design) three times – separately, and each time precipitated a “next level” reaction for me. I believe they are intentionally designed to be different enough for you to catch the next “variant” without your previous immunity stopping it – i.e. if they re-released alpha, your immune system would stomp it out: but subsequent “variants” are designed to be just different enough where your system can’t recognize it. I had a dream that the next variant was called the “scythe” variant, and was unintentionally deadly, so I’ve taken to calling the next one the “scythe” variant.

[13] Understanding this mechanism illustrates why “Omicron” is actually far more deadly in the long term than the previous “variants.” Omicron replicates 70x faster than its predecessors – meaning you get a 70x larger spike blizzard, theoretically, than you did before. Once again – the propaganda machines are taking us for a ride: “oh, it’s far less deadly, see, no one is dying in the hospitals like at first.” Yes, the immediate symptoms are far less – and this is by design. The real impact of Omicron, the premium bioweapon feature, is a 70x inundation of spike – in people who already have reckless inflammation to their organs from previous Covid.

Chapter 5: Me vs. Covid

Now you have all the pieces of the puzzle. So let’s put them together. Remember I told you those dates were important? Let’s do this.

November 1, 2020: I get Covid (yes, I didn’t even realize when I got Covid in 2020, until my Dad kept insisting I consider if this is Covid-related. Ok, sure – I dug into it. This timeline is what I found).

November 8, 2020: Eight days later. That sounds familiar. I get my first (inguinal) hernia. Repaired shortly thereafter. From there, my bloating and “hernia twinges” get worse and worse and worse – for just a little over 275 days (I feel like we’ve seen that number before! (see the last chapter)…) until…

August 1, 2021: Only recently I realized: Going back in my texts, I had several co-workers who were out sick with Covid Delta in late July/early August 2021… and I also recall at that time I started to get sick all the time – just feeling icky here and there.

August 20, 2021: I go to the ER, blacking out from vasovagal dilation. From then on, my lifelong, relatively benign celiac – the “weakest link in my chain” so to speak – goes from “spare tire” to RAGING BUFFALO CELIAC. Inflammation. Clearly celiac was the “weakest link” in my chain, so to speak.

November 5, 2021: I’m slowly working out celiac recovery, but still getting “glutened” and have regular symptoms. Our household gets Covid, round 2 (so-called “Omicron variant”).

November 15, 2021: 10 days later… I eat a bowl of rice, and RIP – I get my second hernia. 10 days after “Omicron.” From this point on, something happens… sound familiar yet?… my autoimmune response isn’t just celiac anymore, it’s EVERYTHING YOU EAT KILLS YOU (except meat apparently).

To me, the timeline is obvious. Covid, horrible inflammation, then WHAM – next level autoimmune response. Lather, rinse, and repeat.

As it turns out – yes, I was actually losing in a big way, and in fact, I lost 40 pounds in December 2021 alone. I hadn’t weighed in at 183 lbs. since high school.  Unbeknownst to me, Covid victims who have out-of-control autoimmune responses to Covid are one of the high-mortality categories for Covid[1]. I’ve never died before, but it certainly seemed to me like I was losing – fast.

I believe Covid almost killed me. Almost.

Again, praise God for His Mercy.

The Covid bioweapon is designed to lure the body into attacking itself[2]. When Covid injects itself into your cell, most of the spike floats away – but some of it sprouts on the cell it infected, like a demonic flower. Your body sees your cell, but it also sees this spike protein sticking out of it – something it knows is horrible and dangerous. Your body’s immune system goes nuts – (if things align just so) programming itself to attack anything that looks like that cell where it saw the spike “flower” – even if the other cells don’t have spike sticking out of it. WHAM. Suddenly, your own immune system is attacking you.

You need to heal, and get rid of those spikes – now. Before this happens, like it did to me.

Interestingly, Lyme’s disease, which also seems to be a bioweapon[3], also often triggers autoimmune responses from its victims. Lyme’s is not a virus – but I don’t think the similar effects are accidental. I personally believe that the perpetrators of the Covid bioweapon have been enhancing their craft for a long time now. There are few things more unnatural – and difficult to diagnose – than autoimmune diseases. Only God knows – and probably a few high-placed individuals – if autoimmune diseases are something we created ourselves. It would not surprise me.

“But Chris!” someone might say, “why on earth would the Elite want to kill people en mass? Who’ll create their beloved economy?” If you’re thinking that, it shows that you’re a basically decent person. You don’t think like these people. But stop thinking like a decent person for one moment, and think like a demon-worshipping megalomaniac. Did the Ottomans care about “decreased economic activity” when they slaughtered the Armenian Catholics? Did Pol Potts care? Mao Zedong? Adolf Hitler? Lenin and Stalin? Margaret Sanger? Google “Georgia Guidestones” if you have any doubts that this is very present. The list goes on. Don’t kid yourself. This is a long-planned controlled die-off. This is the natural next step to divorce, contraception, abortion, euthanasia, and homosexuality. Don’t think that the rulers of this world that slaughter millions of innocent unborn babies hesitate a moment to unleash Bioweapons on you, me, and our babies. Don’t be naïve.

This has always been America’s blind spot: thinking of everything as economic calculus – a truly foolish paradigm. Looking at human activity and weighing it according to economic calculus gives only superficial and short-range insight. Rather, all human activity can be assessed according to spiritual calculus – of which economic calculus is a subset: Whom does this person worship? The Rulers of this World worship Moloch, Mammon, Baphomet – anyone who doesn’t realize this by now hasn’t been paying attention. These false gods demand the same sacrifice that they did 4,000 years ago, from the Minoans to the Aztecs to our Abortion Mills. Look at our wickedness, the world over – pretending we honor God, while proclaiming that God and God’s laws, through His Church, must have “separation” from our State and our Laws.  God is not mocked.

Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.

Yet they seek me daily, and delight to know my ways, as a nation that did righteousness, and forsook not the ordinance of their God: they ask of me the ordinances of justice; they take delight in approaching to God.

Wherefore have we fasted, say they, and thou seest not? wherefore have we afflicted our soul, and thou takest no knowledge? Behold, in the day of your fast ye find pleasure, and exact all your labours.

Behold, ye fast for strife and debate, and to smite with the fist of wickedness: ye shall not fast as ye do this day, to make your voice to be heard on high.

Is it such a fast that I have chosen? a day for a man to afflict his soul? is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? wilt thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the LORD?

Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?

[1] In conjunction with this, I also had a low Lymph % – also a high problem-indicator for Covid patients, though I didn’t realize that until later.

[2] e.g:

[3] There was a recent (within the past few years) Congressional study into whether Lyme’s was a bioweapon, due to the clarity of evidence pointing towards this – Lyme’s disease was engineered, or at least released, near Lyme, Connecticut. Lyme’s originated across the river from a bioweapons facility in the 1970’s (near CT), and has spread from there since then. The EPA blames climate change for it spreading from there – but you can make up your own mind. There’s some interesting reading to be had about the history of America’s bioweapon and human experimentation programs (e.g.). And, lest we forget, it is still technically fully legal for the U.S. Government to forcibly sterilize the unfit for eugenics reasons.

UPDATE: My description of how Covid works is absolutely accurate, but of course there’s more nuance than I can go into in a short work. One nuance that has been helpful for me to emphasize since originally sharing this work is how Covid’s spike (S1 protein) clings to crucial parts of your immune system (including parts that get past your blood-brain barrier), and somehow “trick” your immune response into not shutting off – at least, for a very long time (with the recent stuff coming out about HIV and Covid, it makes me wonder if HIV-type strands were used in designing this bioweapon, that somehow hijack your DNA in this fashion). In other words, in a natural scenario (when your immune system functions as it should) when you, say, get a bump on your head, you swell up. Soon, your body stops the swelling, and a few days later the bump goes away. With Covid, your immune system doesn’t “turn off” it’s immune response (at least for a very long time), and it continually releases little protein “messengers” (cytokines) that tell your body “you need inflammation to protect yourself!” In other words, when you detox, priority #1 seems to be compensating for your hijacked immune system, and (gently) telling your system “turn off that inflammation” – then removing spike.

Chapter 6: The Covid Detox

Here’s the deal. You’ve all heard about ivermectin. But do you know how it works? Neither did I, it’s ok.

Normally I avoid taking drugs, as much as possible. I stopped taking antibiotics; stopped taking advil, ibuprofen, etc. But I’ve come around on ivermectin – why? Because you’re not dealing with something natural – you’re dealing with a bioweapon, a bioweapon that was designed to hijack the strengths of your own system and turn it against you. In a certain sense, you do need some kind of external chemical intervention – chemical “surgery” if you will. Your body can’t do it on its own – the body’s strengths are weaknesses here, intentionally so (per the bioweapon’s design).

So. For those who are interested, I can point you in the right direction here (by just telling you what I did – take it or leave it!) – again, by trial and oh-so-painful error.

Since I originally began sharing this book, more and more people began asking me for my detox discoveries. I’ve finally compiled all the detoxes I’ve found (Mercola’s, World Health Council, iRecover, etc.) into one summary document – that document can be found, titled “The Great Covid Compendium.”

Here, the only detox item I’ll really talk about here is ivermectin (see the Great Covid Compendium for more details on the other items).

Here’s the deal: the other ones are all good, but pretty much everything except ivermectin only does damage control – tries to stop Covid from proliferating once it gets in. Ivermectin is different. Ivermectin actually binds the spike proteins (remember, the chemical “burrs” that cling to your organs? It’s like a magnet to those burrs, “clogging” them from grabbing), allowing them to be swept out of your system into the sewer where they belong. Meanwhile, for example, Hydroxychloroquine stops the Covid bioweapon from latching onto your ACE-2 receptors – which is why it’s not drastically helpful except right off the bat[1]. Once the horse is out of the barn, and Covid in surging around in your bloodstream, you’re got to find a way to mop it up – ivermectin.

But there’s a problem, one that – yep, again – my Dad predicted, and I found out the hard way. When you first catch the Covid bioweapon, you have some spike proteins floating around in you – some, but not a crazy amount. They hurt you (or not, if you have minimal symptoms), and then you think you’ve “beat” Covid. You haven’t. Covid has just settled into you, for the long-haul. As I mentioned earlier, if you haven’t had early treatment (ivermectin + hydroxychloroquine) to mop up the spike, or daily taken something that prevents replication like NAC or green tea, by now, months later, it’s potentially likely that you have a blizzard of Covid spike clinging to your vital organs and areas – just hanging out, replicating, and causing potentially lethal (in the unknown-long term) inflammation to your vital organs. But there’s a catch: by now, because there’s such a blizzard, your innards are coated with lots of this spike. If you toss back too much ivermectin, you’ll bind a lot of spike – and release a FLOOD of it into your organs, capillaries, etc. Remember – this spike logjam, and the ensuing blockages and inflammation, is the lethal “Covid 8th day” implosion. You need to be careful – you can hurt yourself if you mop up too much spike with ivermectin too fast.[2]

Ask me how I know.

And, it takes a long time to straighten things out again, heal the nerves, clear the capillaries, etc. This is exactly why it takes some people months to get their smell and taste back – same mechanism. You don’t want that to happen to you, trust me.

Hence, if you look at the protocol, it tells you to only take a small dose of ivermectin (.4 mg – for LONG HAUL, different from Acute!) once every week. Don’t push it; you’ll regret it, trust me.

So yes – do the other stuff too. Green tea. NAC. Quercetin. Pine needles. So yes – do the other stuff too. But understand what you’re doing as best you can – take it seriously, read up at You may think you’re done with Covid – but I guarantee Covid’s not done with you.

[1] Not to say it’s not helpful – stopping proliferation is important. But I need that stuff out. Note that in acute cases, Ivermectin also isn’t that helpful in once the covid bioweapon gets too far – because the spike inflammation has already settled in. Once it’s there, blasting it out with ivermectin could cause the “blizzard” of released spike to clog things up, and cause damage. At that point, you’re in it for the long haul and you’ve got to take it slow – unless the bioweapon’s inflammation gets to you first, in which case you’re a mortality.

[2] Note: the same thing can happen if you get too much sunshine after not getting any for a while – if you’re a winter long-hauler, ease into the summer. Same with sauna, etc. Don’t move too fast with the detox!

This figure shows the development and treatment of the ACUTE Covid lifecycle (not long haul, although it’s related!). Note that day 5 is “symptomatic” – and shortly after day 11 is the explosion of viral debris – Covid’s deadly “8th day” (i.e. it’s not technically the 8th day of covid – technically, it’s the “8th day” of symptoms.) Obviously the technicalities involved are far more complex than I get into here, but my goal in this work is to give a functional description, not specify every technical biomechanical detail. This illustration shows why you need to respond to Covid right away – as soon as you know it’s there. Otherwise, you’re very likely in it for the long-haul. Like me.

This graph also explains why Remdesevir use is so horrible. Remdesevir is an anti-viral drug that is extremely dangerous, with dramatic side effects. But, as we can see from above – by the time the victim gets to the hospital (say, around day 9 or 10), most of the viral replication is almost over. Giving a patient Remdesevir at that point is not only ineffective (because the front-load of viral replication is tapering down), but it is also extremely dangerous – and potentially deadly.

Chapter 7: My Day by Day: End Note

As promised, I’m including my daily “regiment.” This is what I personally do. I’m not a doctor. Some or all of it may work for you. Some of it may not. Up to you. I’m just here to tell you about it, in case you’re interested. Again – I started out eating pretty healthy – mostly organic where store-bought, a lot of homegrown food, raising our own sheep, etc. Obviously I never thought I’d get hit like this by Covid.


Note: even if you’re not wilting from a covid-induced autoimmune reaction, you may want to skim the “Gut protocol” – some of that stuff would also really help with Covid detox, e.g. hot bath, treadmill walking, fasting, etc.

Also, I would not recommend going overboard on supplements. Be careful! Talk to your Doctor, or get a group going to help each other out – taking a misstep with supplements can cause nasty side effects that could really really hurt you – especially if you’re limping from long-Covid.

Ivermectin: [binds the spike – detaches the “burr hook” from your tissue, and allows the body to sweep the spike away]. I do it once a week, ~.5 mg or less. ALWAYS TAKE IVERMECTIN WITH A LARGE DOSE OF FAT – butter, cream, etc. ESPECIALLY if you’ve already had covid once, talk to a Doctor (one who’s aware of all this) – if you’re an unknowing Covid long-hauler, you need to be careful because if you take acute-covid-dosage ivermectin, you could possibly hurt yourself very quickly. (If you’re wondering where Hydroxychloroquine is, see “Quinine” below).

Vitamin C: daily. [general goodness; prevents Covid from replicating] I take Nutriflair Liposomal Vitamin C, 1650 mg/day. Note: (if you’re celiac/malabsorption issues) must be lipisomal! Again – you need all the help with absorption you can get. I’d also recommend Dr Mercola’s if you’re willing to spend the extra $$$ – I know it’ll be higher quality. Note: Vitamin C in liposomal form gets absorbed really well, and might cause sleeping problems if you take it in the evening. Just a heads up.

Vitamin D: daily – get a lot. [general goodness] I don’t take Vitamin D, I eat pork lard from pigs raised in sunlight. *cymbals clash dramatically.* For supplementing, I take 500UI (at LEAST) Cod Liver Oil (NOT fermented!) that has Vitamin D in it (some don’t, not sure why).

Zinc: daily [Protects your ACE-2 receptors, from spike latching on – also, when taken with a Zinc ionophore, blasts into the viral cells and prevents replication. Good stuff.] This is imperative. I bought a bulk supplement of Zinc Citrate from Amazon, to make DIY electrolyte powder.[2] Always take alongside Quercitin, Quinine, or other ionophore.

NAC**: daily [prevents Covid from replicating – keeps you from getting further inundated with spike] You can also get Glutathione – NAC is a precursor to Glutathione – although I don’t know what the effective difference is when taking it (I have both, haven’t tried the latter). The full name is N-acetyl cysteine, in case you’re searching and not finding. As soon as it was revealed that it stopped Covid from replicating, Amazon removed it from their store – you have to look elsewhere. The FDA is also trying sink NAC, claiming it’s a drug, not a supplement – purely coincidental timing, I’m sure. I have Swanson 600mg capsules from Walmart.

Turmeric/Curcumin**: daily, if you can handle it. [Protects your ACE-2 receptors, from spike latching on] Quite powerful. I can handle this occasionally, but I don’t overdo it. MUST have black pepper – increases absorption by 2,000%. I have Schwartz 1500 mg from Amazon.

Quercetin: daily. [Protects your ACE-2 receptors, from spike latching on – and is a zinc ionophore – when taken with Zinc, makes Zinc a powerful antiviral weapon (Zelenko’s protocol)]. I have Amazing Formulas 500mg from Walmart.

Quinine: daily [Protects your ACE-2 receptors, and acts similarly to Quercitin]. This one is fascinating to me: apparently Quinine is the natural form of Hydroxychloroquine – boom! And, even better, it’s super easy to make. It tastes disgusting though – well, like tonic water. I don’t like citrus period, so this is super super nasty to me…

Hesperidin: 2x daily [helps blood flow, i.e. helps clear out the knocked-off spike, and helps prevent spike from replicating]. I have Swanson 500 mg from Walmart.

Resveratrol: daily [Protects your ACE-2 receptors, from spike latching on] This was actually magic for me – I could feel it working. Especially calmed down my pancreas inflammation.

St John’s Wort: daily [prevents covid from replicating] This stuff didn’t seem to do much at first, but eventually I noticed side effects and stopped taking it.

Black Cumin Seed Oil**: daily [Protects your ACE-2 receptors, from spike latching on].

I also created a recipe I call “De-Covid” tea, that I’ve included on my blog recipes page.

Pine Needle Tea: if you’re taking ivermectin – careful! Not too frequently. These act (somewhat) like a natural form of Ivermectin. Click here to view the recipe page on the blog.  

Dandelion Tea: same as Pine Need Tea, Id.

Green Tea**: Protects your ACE-2 receptors, from spike latching on.

Last but not least *drum roll,* I’ve found that Chartreuse (yes, the good stuff) is magical when it comes to clearing up spike logjam, at least in the respiratory areas. My wife lost her taste and smell for several weeks from Covid, after trying a little ivermectin, and it took one shot of Chartreuse about 15 minutes to bring her taste and smell 50% back to life. Be careful though – alcohol can cause its own problems in this mix, including cracking off injured nerve endings, etc.

One quick end note: I don’t have data to back this up, but I’d guess that intense fasting (e.g. 16 hours a day + an occasional skip-eating day) would be another big detoxer for spike. But again – I don’t know this. That’s just my take on it.

FINALLY: BE CAREFUL. Especially when it comes to taking things like ivermectin, talk to a Doctor who has done his research on this, and doesn’t just follow the propaganda. For instance, if you’ve already had covid, you are likely a long-haul Covid case – if you get Covid again, and take Ivermectin in dosages meant to acute covid, you could blast the long-covid spike off your innards, and hurt or kill yourself. Be. Careful. This is a bioweapon, and it’s designed to do very very bad things to you.


*Dr. Zelenko has a ready-made formulation of this, called Z-Stack for kids.[5] I’m personally not about to pop $50 for a jar, especially between 4 kids, but it would definitely make things easier.

Also, I’m also not sure how I feel about giving NAC to kids, although I’ve seen rave reviews on using it with kids with autism and focus problems. Use your own judgement.

Ivermectin: Talk to your Dr., and if you don’t have a courageous or knowledgeable doctor (I’m fortunate enough to be involved with some of the best Doctors in the medical trade), call up America’s Frontline Doctors, and ask about child detox doses for ivermectin. All I know is that for detox, you never do it more than once a week in any scenario.

Vit D: 1-2,000 UI daily – link [what I like about these: lots of them (250), from lanolin, no seed oils, 2,000UI). What I don’t like: Cod Liver Oil (non-fermented) w Vit D is undoubtedly better]

Vit C: 250mg daily – link [what I like: made from fruit, vs. just bald ascorbic acid, which isn’t as complete; What I don’t like: isn’t lipisomal – probably only need lipisomal though if you have malabsorption issues]

Zinc: 2mg (3yr old)/5mg (5-6 yr old) daily – need almost ZIPPO, but you can use the stuff from the DIY electrolyte powder if you have that (link). Also option would be (link – has Vit E also, good; has seed oil, meh); and here (link – zinc sulfate, same as Mercola’s brand)

Quercitin: 200-500mg daily (I have this stuff)


I use “food diary” app to track everything I do and eat – bowel movements, baths, etc. etc. etc. It’s literally – and I actually do believe this – the reason I’m still alive, because it’s allowed me to refine my diet to where I’ve stabilized (you can add your own categories – I added the following categories: Stool, Homeopathy, Whiz, New AIP Item Tested, Vitals/Keto (heart rate, blood pressure, weighing in, keto breathalyzer), Supplement (including Covid detox items), Sleep Report (I summarize my sleep from the previous night). TMI categories, sorry, but I just saved you some trial and error if you’re doing this. This is huge – if you have a mystery autoimmune thing going on, you can’t afford to not do this.


Here’s my current diet[6] (note 2/2022 – which, take it for what it’s worth, it’s changed much since then!):

-Any non-processed meat[7] (burger, steak, venison, lamb, etc. – should be grassfed!), fish. (I started with eggs, but they were giving me bloating so I’ve since eliminated them for now).[8]

-Liver (Grassfed! Or wild. Anywhere between 3-6 times a week, not too much at one sitting. I snip mine up into finger-sized slices and put it in the freezer, then eat one per day, otherwise it goes bad.) I also swap liver for other organs occasionally – heart, lung[9], spleen, etc.

-Bone broth, from our sheep – and any other meat liquids.

-Animal blood, from when the meat is thawing – actually really really good, basically just instant gravy (only from the grassfed or wild animals).

-Ginger tea (no honey, no lemon! -both of these give me an autoimmune response – just straight up boiled ginger water, so sad, so sad.)

-Plenty of pink himalayan salt (and DIY electrolyte powder, see above).

-Fats, (initially close to a ~1:1 volume ratio with my meat – although I’m now at more like 1:3 that I’m feeling a little better – but ALOT of fats: (grassfed) lard, ghee, grassfed butter, coconut oil, uncooked olive oil, bacon grease).

-Apple Cider vinegar and Pomegranate Vineger (both from Aldi – the ACV has been invaluable in avoiding sore throats, etc., I dilute 1/2 w water and gargle and then drink morning and evening – and sometimes at 3am lol – whenever there’s a sickness going around; it’s been magic)[10]

-Worcestershire sauce, Balsamic vinegar, Allspice, and Horseradish (heck yes, finally some flavor). I also add a little black pepper here and there, shhh… (it’s not AIP)

-Grape Juice – need some big fat carbs, otherwise my keto goes THROUGH THE ROOF – I had it shoot up to 10.5 one day after I forgot to carb. Oof.[11]

-Coconut Milk (must be organic, they put a lot of junk in it otherwise. I get Thai Kitchen).

-I do add stevia and molasses (an extra carb too, to control my keto, woohoo); some people are leery of stevia. Whatever.

-Occasional (very cooked) sweet potatoes or carrots.

-My plan is to add (very cooked, and blended only) AIP-friendly greens and plants soon as well – cruciferous veggies, artichoke, (real, active) sauerkraut, etc. Not too much at once – I don’t want a FODMAP load to deal with, or something weird.


I also take a boatload of supplements[12], primarily because I have malabsorption issues. A word of caution, however – I know by now that some of the supplements don’t play nicely with each other.[13] I’ve ratcheted back on my supplement intake, and began staggering them on alternate days, etc. I read a study for pancreatitis where they found that people who took supplements had no faster recovery time – but way more side effects. I believe it. Especially in this scenario: remember, if you have long Covid, everything is stressed, inflamed. While Supplement X might be good for, say, the pancreas, it might be tough on your liver (and yes, I’ve found that out the hard way too!). The same holds true for diet, by the way. (If you’re interesting in reading about my discoveries with inflamed pancreas and gallbladder, I’ve written a bit about it on the site’s blog):

-sublingual multivitamin with iron (to avoid malabsorption issues from celiac) [had to stop, was getting a reaction from the artificial sweetener that was in it]

-liposomal vitamin C (or at least Vitamin C from Acerola cherry) (again – careful, liposomal Vitamin C before bedtime might make sleeping difficult).

-B12/methylfolate (celiacs are nearly always deficient in this, and it was super crucial at the beginning. Also helps me sleep, woohoo)

-L-glutamine (gut lining healing, super important, especially if you’re taking NAC)

-Throat Coat tea (gut lining healing) (I think the brand is “Traditional Medicinals” – has alot of gut healing stuff in it) [I had to stop this because it has licorice in it, which apparently does bad heart things to me]

-Collagan peptides[14] (gut lining healing – can’t believe how expensive this stuff is, sheesh[15]) (also – careful, this can cause bloating. I only eat a tiny tiny bit at a time now).

-calcium + calc phos + cod liver oil that has vitamin D (don’t take in proximity to anything with magnesium; magnesium will bind) (AND, don’t get fermented cod liver oil!)

-occasional magnesium citrate; I just sip the laxative instead of a supplement lol (very rarely, careful you can overdose – I don’t use this often)

-electrolyte powder (a must w ketosis happening – see DIY recipe in the previous footnotes)

-Peppermint tea (i.e. ~hot water + 1-2 shakes of peppermint essential oil – magical, see notes below. Not too hot, because the peppermint will evaporate easily.) [I avoid in proximity to homeopathics]

-Warm water (all the time)

-Bromelain and NOW Supplement “Pancreatic enzymes.” See notes below – this one’s a bit nuts, but I’ve had to work through my gastroparesis and angry pancreas/gallbladder (see below on POTS/Gastroparesis). Don’t take this one incorrectly! 

-mushroom defense mix (mushroom has ergothioneine, which is an little-known vitamin that is huge is gut healing – but be careful, might have a FODMAP bloating.)

-very rarely, glucosamine, bc we have it lying around

-occasionally, a sea kelp iodine pill, again, bc we have it lying around [I had to up occasionally because my thyroid was inflamed]

-*I also occasionally have some plant-based protein powder from Costco – it’s NOT a workout powder [had to stop because it was bloating me]

Again – DO NOT CHEAT, unless it’s intentional (i.e. you’re feeling good and testing a new food per AIP guidelines). If you find your hand reaching for something – STOP. Think about it. Google it. Is it FODMAP? Is it AIP (especially!)? Is it gluten-free – completely!-? Etc. Whatever your boundaries are.

One other note: I’m sure someone’s thinking: what about probiotics? By all means, give it a whirl if you have a favorite go-to probiotic. However, probiotics need terrain to establish themselves into. In my particular situation, my gut terrain has been thoroughly scorched by celiac sprue. Thus, although I occasionally take probiotics, I’m doubtful that they do much, since they have nowhere to hide in my gut walls, and likely just get swept away. But we’ll get there. That being said, I prefer probiotic foods, especially foods that played a putative role in my ancestral diet – since I’m European, things like sauerkraut, yogurt, pickles, sourdough (lol, well, not right now), etc. I’m sure kimchee and miso, etc., are great, but I doubt my ancestors were eating much kimchee, just saying.


Yes, I am a fan of homeopathy – a skeptic at first, but I came around after seeing with my own eyes: it just plain old works. I don’t know how – I’m not sure anyone knows exactly how. It doesn’t really matter. God knows how, and that’s enough for me, for now. Again – this is just what I do; take it or leave it.

That being said, I will say this: my wife started up with the homeopathy with a group of local traditional-minded Catholic Moms, and I meanwhile was an absolute skeptic. Since then, I’ve realized talking to all the husbands in the group that all us guys are pretty much in the same boat: we all started as eye-rolling skeptics, “yes-dears,” then one day we saw it work – WHAM – and now we’re all in. Feel free to be skeptical if you’d like – you can be skeptical, I’ll be healed. Since then, I’ve also come to realize how silly and vacuous most arguments against it are (e.g. “it’s witchcraft” – baloney, Mother Theresa used it – “it’s physically impossible/it’s a placebo” – then why do I see it work, and on infants and animals?). Let’s just say: I don’t care about all the theories and studies and etc. etc. etc. – I’ve seen it work; I’ve been healed by it, quite dramatically, and it works. It just Plain. Old. Works. It’s an art – you don’t get it right every time – sometimes, nothing happens. But when it works – it WORKS, like a 5-year old promised a movie. DRAMATIC.

So, again in the spirit of just telling it like it is, here’s what I do for my gut problems. I’m not saying you should do this. I’m just saying what I do.[16]

  • Bovista 200, once daily (for highly-inflamed celiac; every other day for stable celiacs). This will heal my celiac.
  • Lycopodium 200 taken together with Plumbum 200, twice daily. This is for my right-sided bloating, hernias, and a gazillion other related things.
  • Ceanthous Americanus 30, once daily. This is for the enlarged spleen.
  • Arsinicum 6 or 30 if my stomach hurts.
  • Aconite 200 if my stomach feels nauseous, or I have a sudden collapse (*shudder*).
  • Arnica Montana 30 occasionally if muscle pain.
  • *my wife also tosses things down the hatch for many and varied other small symptoms on as as-needed basis, but I wouldn’t “wing it” without buckling down and seriously studying homeopathy – or getting advice from a homeopath you trust. Start a group, find a group, that sort of thing.

I also add “Bioplasma” to my DIY electrolyte powder, for recovery.

Again, feel free to ignore. I personally think you’re missing out if you do – but it’s ok. I too was a skeptic, until I wasn’t. There’s a bunch of us ex-skeptic dads around where I live.

One side note on this: I wouldn’t recommend you just waltz down to the overpriced store and grab some of the above and go to town. There’s an art to this, even to storing it and taking it – i.e. don’t leave the remedy in the sun, don’t touch it with fingers or conductive materials, don’t expose it to strong EMFs (cell phones, etc.), don’t take a remedy within a half-hour of eating something strong (e.g. peppermint), etc. It’s different than maybe what you’re used to (for example, there’s no such thing as “overdosing” – drinking the whole can of pills is just a single dose). I’d at very least do some serious research before going to town on this.[17]

I will say this: mainstream medicine (aka “allopathy”) will tell you – google it – that there is no cure for celiac disease: once you got it, you’re autoimmune to gluten for the rest of your life. But here’s the deal: I personally know people who have completely healed their celiac with Bovista. As in, lifelong EGD-confirmed celiacs who now eat pasta and loaves of bread every day (last I talked to them). I also personally know people who have cured stage-4 terminal cancer. Again – I don’t have to conjecture; I don’t have to guess; I don’t have to pore over the studies, blah blah blah. I’ve seen it, and had it work for me, too many times to ignore homeopathy. It’s an art; It’s not surefire magic; sometimes nothing happens, presumably from user error, inexperience, or misplaced expectations[18]. That’s true of any study.

I’m an EGD-confirmed celiac, but give it a few years –someday I will head back to Pizza Ranch, full-on-gluten crust. I’ll say that straight-up – I’m that confident. So, that’s that.


If you wind up doing most of what I’m describing here, there is one piece of hardware that is an absolute must, a “keto meter.” You’d want the breath analyzer vs the blood tests or whatever, because it’s instant, and it’s realtime (there’s a delay with the blood/urine tests, and you really really want realtime).

Basically, with Keto, you go into “ketosis” where your body is burning fat for fuel, and hence you need to eat ALOT of fats. Normally, you’d religiously avoid anything above 20 carbs a day, to “get into ketosis,” but honestly, I’m not trying to get into ketosis right now – in fact, I’m trying to get out (I personally get into ketosis very very quickly, but it’s different for everyone). Basically, you’re supposed to eat something like 60% fats, 35% protein, and the rest carbs (~20-50 g of carbs per day). But again! I personally don’t worry about any of that; I don’t care whether I’m in ketosis or not – I just want to avoid getting too much into ketosis, because you can hurt yourself.

If you’re eating alot of protein, theoretically you won’t go into ketosis bc your body will convert the excess protein to carbs and burn those. However, since you’re healing, who know’s what’ll happen (like I said, I’ve been trying to get out of ketosis for 3 days right now, I’m still very very high ketones). The big thing is to avoid a Keto meter reading above, say, 6 or 7 – that’s red zone (if you were doing keto diet, you’d target .5-3 – I kind of get high on the keto meter, but seems to work for me).

Basically, you blow the keto meter for 10 seconds, and it’ll give you a reading; just make sure it’s not too high. If it’s high, eat some carbs (rice crackers) or more protein without fats, and you’re probably ok.

The other thing you need to know about keto is that you have to take extra electrolytes – WAY more salt intake, don’t forget your electrolyte powder (again, I include the DIY recipe earlier in the chapter). Once you kick into ketosis, your body will start shedding toxins like crazy; many people feel terrible at first, and throughout keto you pee all the time (hence needing extra electrolytes). Drink extra water, eat extra salt/electrolytes, if you’re positive for ketones on the meter.

I personally keep grape juice on hand, because I can’t eat enough protein to control my keto. My keto will blast right through the protein, and suddenly I’m up in the 7’s and 8’s – I literally can’t get out of ketosis some days; I’ll eat 300+ carbs, and still stay in ketosis. But that’s just me – people are very different when it comes to this. Be careful – you can hurt yourself if you let your ketosis get out of control!

I’d also just read up and become familiar with keto generally, if you’re not already – you don’t need to become an expert, and again, you’re not trying to do keto; but you want to know enough to not hurt yourself. Ok, so much for keto.


You might not even know what this is. If so, I’m happy for you. I do.

POTS basically means that for whatever reason (e.g. you took too much ivermectin, and flooded your capillaries with spike, or something like that), your heartbeat, blood vessels, and nerves, aren’t playing nice together. You lie down – your heart rate is normal. You stand up – BOOM – your heart rate rockets to 120+ bpm. That’s POTS – “Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome.” If it’s spike-related, and you didn’t push it too much, it’ll go away eventually. But here’s some tips.

-Acupuncture (find someone you trust, avoid the booney). I know a solid Catholic Doc who does it – AWESOME.

-Get a heart rate monitor (and, optimally, and O2 finger/heartrate reader). DON’T push it – heart rate over 100, SIT DOWN NOW. I don’t use a smart watch, because I don’t want the extra EMFs.

-Portapoddy. Bite the bullet, and bring something to bed to use as a portapoddy, unless you want a heart-pounding 3am hell. Your call.

-Supine (lying down) or Sitting low-impact exercises. NOTHING CRAZY. Leg lifts. 5-10. Whatever. Don’t do anything that feels strenuous. Sitting? Bounce a baby on your knee. Whatever.

-WHEN YOU’RE A BIT BETTER – get a treadmill (yes, sorry, buy one – I got an under-the-desk one) and walk – at less than 1 mph.

DO NOT OVERDO IT – that’s the most important!

I would also avoid medication, antibiotics, steroids, etc. Unless you know exactly what’s going on, these things can snap/damage your nerves or blood vessels that are involved. With POTS, you have to have velvet hands, or you’ll wind up bedridden permanently, quite easily.

Also – Gastroparesis. This is where the stomach doesn’t empty – again, the nerves aren’t following the rules. Basically, the food sits in your stomach, and rots. Not good.

Google, and mainstream medicine, will tell you there’s no way other than drugs to compensate for gastroparesis. So, I had to discover my own method – and it’s golden. Here’s what I do:

-I eat my “big meal” around 10am. Different for different people, trial and error. But, I don’t eat after 3:30 when I have Gastroparesis… (but I might eat non-solid foods, coconut milk, whatever. Not a problem – but I also like to give my gut a rest in the night).

-Eat something sweet after you eat (a bit of grape juice, coconut milk, whatever).

-After you eat, set a timer for 30 minutes. You’ll see why as you continue reading.

-I don’t drink (or, almost nothing) about 10-30 minutes prior to eating, and (religiously) 30 minutes after – normally, your stomach will compensate for the acidity level. BUT NOT FOR YOU, GIMPY. You’ve got to be careful not to dilute your stomach acid. I set the timer as soon as I’m done eating.

-Don’t lie down at least an hour after eating. Sit if you need to. Tub, and sit up. But don’t lie down. (Although I figured out – I can lie down and breathe – and it’s hugely helpful).

-Occasionally, about an hour after eating, some warm peppermint tea helps relax the stomach.

-If there’s something else around that smells (good food), smell it. Longingly. Sorry.

-After 30 minutes, I take Bromelain (remember, I always eat meat. Bromelain = meat enzyme) and NOW “Pancreatic Enzyme.”[19] I don’t take them with the meal, because I don’t want to replace my pancreas’ own enzymes, or get them used to that. I take them long after.

MOST IMPORTANT… after you eat, watch 10-15 minutes of the most disgustingly delicious and greasy food videos (whatever appeals to you really – my biggest saliva-inducer is Pizza Ranch videos). Works like MAGIC for me – my stomach clears in record time, no matter what. BOOM. Gastroparesis? No problem. (Well, annoying, but there’s not much choice here).[20]


  • Hot baths are magic. But don’t overdo it if you’re in a condition like mine – too long, wooooozy.
  • I’d like to try Infrared Suana (but if you do – TAKE IT EASY. NO MORE THAN ONCE EVERY FEW DAYS AT FIRST, or you’ll get NASTY Pots as the toxins/etc. start to shed).
  • Whenever I get glutened or autoimmuned now, I get horrible constipation. I tried miralax (disaster, horrible, for me); I tried magnesium citrate. Mag Cit was great – once. I tried it again, and overdosed, and was blacking out, hallucinations, etc. Now, if I need to, I use a mouthful of Mag Cit + my calcium protocol (calcium + mag phos + cod liver) + 2 or 3 doses (i.e. lots) of my Vitamin C. That seems to do the trick (based off‘s protocol). To soften the post-glutened blow, I also use the homeopathic Apis.
  • I don’t eat at least 4 hours before I go to bed. That’s been huge.
  • Fasting has also made a huge difference for me – I originally was only eating within the 8am-12pm window (4 hours), but now I’ve lightened up from 7am to 4pm. Occasionally I had to go days without eating, but I wouldn’t recommend in this case, especially now that I know how to eat without a flare up.
  • Whatever you try here, if you try anything, don’t try it cold-turkey. EASE into it. You CAN AND WILL HURT YOURSELF if you, for example, flip the switch and go hardcore fasting, all meat, Covid detox, whatever.
  • Don’t forget about your teeth – if you’re eating meat, floss like a maniac. My wife also makes homemade toothpaste from some clay something or other – way better than factory toothpaste. And oil pull.
  • I’ve found that sleeping on my right side for the first ~half of the night, then switching to my left, helps.[21]
  • Be careful not to overdose on magnesium citrate (laxative, you’re not going to overdose with it as a supplement). You’ll get bizarre poisoning symptoms, blacking out, etc. Ask me how I know. On that note, try to avoid laxatives as much as possible – use food videos, hot water, or Vitamin C + Calcium + small bit of magnesium citrate instead. You don’t want your body to get used to external influences telling it when to go. Miralax might work for you – I had a wretched experience with it – but again, I’d personally avoid it – it’s polyethylene glycol, better known as “plastic.” That’s going to mess horribly with your gut flora, your hormones, your chemical balance, etc. etc. etc. And if you’re a male, it’ll give you a massive dose of estrogenic hormones.
  • Perhaps the most important detox of all: stop paying attention to the media. Stop. As in, avoid it. There’s no such thing as “oh I’ll just read it and I won’t get tricked by them!” Here’s the deal: this covid blitz was a psy-op against us, and one that I regret to say I fell for. The media’s propaganda, undoubtedly intentionally designed, led people into two vehement camps: those who succumbed to inordinate fear of covid, and those who ignored it. Both cases are a win for the overlords who launched this – both result in harm. And I do not believe this is accidental. All the psy-op needs you to do is pay attention to them – if you follow them, great; if you “react” or “destroy” them, so much the better. You do need to respond to Covid – but absolutely not the way the propaganda has been instructing you to, either to inordinately fear it, or ignore it. If you think this is basically just a seasonal flu – like I did – you’ve been hoodwinked by the media – like I was.[22]

[1] Note: I note which ones – some of these I can’t do, due to autoimmune responses. I was careful about adding these on – added the “intense” items one by one, and had to hold off on some of them (I’ve marked these items with double asterisks**). Also, this is what I do, or aim to do when my autoimmune calms down. All of this can be considered a “note to self.” By listing this, I’m not recommending anything, etc. etc. etc. This is information only. This is why I don’t say, “see label,” or whatever. A lot of this is literally copy-pasted from notes I made to myself, so, make your own judgement about how, or even if, to want to approach all this.

[6] Again – this diet evolved through trial and oh-so-painful error. I eliminated things one by one, and wound up here. Don’t ever let anyone BS you that meat – real, grassfed, good meat – is “inflammatory.” B.S. Lousy, CAFO/factory meat, maybe. But definitely not real meat. Also, keep in mind that I have raging celiac (and thereby ripped up gut/absorption issues) + nasty dairy sensitivity + mysterious Covid autoimmune response – so my options are BOTTOM OF THE BARREL.

[7] I was blending everything up for a while, but I don’t need to do that anymore thank the Lord – although I still do if I have an autoimmune reaction and get constipated. It’s basically just soup, right?

[8] I also tried eggs at first, but they were definitely doing bad things, and I had to cut them. *although later I found I could eat egg yolks, but I had to stop to cut my iodine levels.

[9] Not that you’re really that interested in eating lung, but apparently it’s super high in B12. Woohoo. It’s still disgusting. Did you know it’s illegal to sell lung meat? Because it’s so porous, and therefor impossible to clean properly in a butchering facility.

[10] ½ diluted shot of ACV also ~helps when I have SIBO or ileocecal backflow. I realized I can feel my ileocecal valve opening up at night, and I’ve learned to react right away and close it by hunching up my legs – otherwise I get nasty backflow, and my gut gets sour nearly right away.

[11] Pro tip; if you’re drinking real, organic grape juice, try not to let it touch your teeth – it’ll stain. I started oil pulling too, seemed to help.

[12] Some of them are included in the Covid detox above, but I did delete some of the repeats that were Covid-only.

[13] I found this out the hard way with licorice root – it was causing massive problems, and I had no idea. I would suggest researching each supplement before taking it, and jotting down potential side effects. For example, Collagen can bloat you, temporarily. Potentially good stuff, but might not be right for you, at least right away. St. John’s Wort, etc. – you’ll want to know what each supplement does, especially if you’re on hair trigger like me.

[14] I had to stop this because it was bloating me.

[15] Note: if I were to really go all in on the gut healing, I’d probably give colostrum a try. Expensive – don’t know if it’s worth it. Who knows; I might give it a shot down the road.  

[16] I also added some stuff for Pancreas that really really helped, but I haven’t listed that here.

[17] I’d recommend homeopath Joette Calabrese’s stuff as a good place to start. As you can imagine, there’s lots of opinions out there on homeopathy – some are a little odd. As always, stay away from the esoteric stuff.

[18] E.g., it takes months or years to cure celiac – it’s not like you toss back a pill and 30 minutes later you’re pigging out on French baguette.

[19] Note: (TMI alert) I made the mistake of taking NOW “Super Enzyme” mix – the problem is that it had bile salts, which caused gray clay-like stool (disrupted my ability to digest fats by throwing off bile balance). All that is to say – if you have malabsorption issues (celiac, crohn’s, etc.) be careful – research and talk to your Dr before popping anything with bile salts.

[20] Also TMI alert – I discovered you can use this to help bowel movements as well, should the need arise. Woohoo! One cautionary experience on this: don’t do this just before bed. Lol. I did it right before bed one night, and I spent the next two hours trying to get my stomach to shut up. The stomach is like a boulder – hard to get moving, hard to stop once it gets going.

[21] Here’s my theory, one that seems to align with my experience: there’s four steps to digestion: (1) food goes into your mouth [gets chewed/enzymed] (2) then into your stomach [gets tossed around/stomach acid-ified] (3) then into your small intestine [gets the water and most of the good stuff taken out] (4) then into your large intestine (aka colon) [gets the rest taken out, gets some water added back in, and preps for ejection]. Between each of these steps is some kind of “valve” that calls “red-light-green-light” between each step. So, things move quickly from your mouth to your stomach – but then slower from your stomach to your small intestine, etc. Looking at the anatomy of your system, being upright helps “dump” things from your stomach to your small intestine, lying on your right side helps gravity “dump” things from your small intestine to your large intestine, and lying on your back or left side helps gravity complete the process in your large intestine. Hooray.

[22] Incidentally, this booklet should also clarify why most people dying of covid have “comorbidities” – because that’s exactly how it kills you. That’s not a bug – that’s a feature. When the media trumpets this fact up, people again split into two camps – one saying, “Covid is deadly, go get injected/masked/lockdowned (etc)!!!” and the other saying, “see! Covid’s basically just a flu – these people died from being obese and [etc].” Either of those responses are exactly the responses intentionally promoted by whoever is behind this – on one side acquiescence, on the other, reverse psychology. This is not accidental – this is a well-planned execution.

Chapter 8: The “Vaccine”

If I ever had to submit a religious objection form to the vaccine, it would not be based on the vaccine being derived from abortion-tainted cells (the J&J directly; Moderna and Pfizer indirectly/testing), or something similar.

I would object because my religion considers knowing self-harm, without a just cause, sinful.[1]

All this time, it might have crossed your mind: ok, so maybe I should just “vax up,” and then I don’t have to worry about all this!

Sadly, wrong. In fact, the exact opposite is true – I can recover; I can detox and eliminate the spike from my system forever (although I could still carry permanent damage – scarring, etc.). But anyone who has taken the vax will have a covid-spike blizzard again, in addition to the covid they caught “in the wild.” Those injected will be hit with a mega-aggressive influx that same (or very similar) vital-area inflammation spike protein produced by their own body.[2] Essentially, the vaccine is in the best case scenario an intensely high-powered case of Covid – dumping even more deadly spike into your system.

The “Covid vaccine” is not really a vaccine at all.[3] Rather, it is a quasi “gene snipping” tool[4] – essentially, a programmed virus that is injected into your body that does what viruses do best – hijack some of your cells. It then “programs” them to manufacture spike protein[5] that is engineered only against the alpha-covid spike.[6] At the end of the day, after all the complex machinery of gene insertion (mRNA) has happened, your body will be at least temporarily programmed to produce spike proteins to fight alpha-covid spike – by making the same alpha-spike.[7]

In other words, after submitting to the genetic insertion caused by the “vaccine,” you will now have a heavily aggressive production of spike protein – and all its vitally-targeted inflammation (again, were it to back-code into your DNA, potentially for the rest of your life). Note that this is true of all three major “vaccines” – Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J. The shots vary in how they go about accomplishing this programming, but the final effect of all three reaches the same conclusion – you, through your newly-reprogrammed immune system, will be producing spike proteins – the very things that are the “premium bioweapon” feature of Covid – in an extremely aggressive manner, via your own cells.

And I’m just talking about the “big picture.” There’s so much more peripheral danger that I’m not covering here. Take a look for yourself from Pfizer’s own research as to how this spike clings to your vital organs and etc.[8] For further legitimate information on this, I’d also recommend following the “Covid Truth Network” on telegram, or the likes of Mercola, McCullough, Zelenko, etc. on

If you’re reading this, and you’ve already taken the shot, I don’t know what to recommend. I’m sure no one explained this to you prior to you taking it, and I’m sure you’d be poo-pooed by any mainstream proponent of these shots were you to attempt to bring these concerns up.  Is there a detox that victims of this injection can use? I don’t know. I know one thing – I personally would get a hold of someone like Dr. Zelenko or Dr. Peter McCullough and ask what can be done.

[1] Or at very most knowingly take heinous risks without a good reason – and there is no concrete reason here other than social pressure.

[2] Possibly for the rest of your life if it encodes itself into your DNA, see the study cited below in footnote 33. If not, this spike coding would be temporary – but still extremely aggressive.

[3] I’m not even going to get into the myriad shady aspects of the Covid vax: the fact that they changed the definition of “vaccine” to allow them to call it one, the fact that you still can’t access an FDA-approved covid vax or see the ingredients of the EUA vaccines you get (Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J), the fact that the Vax contains all sorts of questionable ingredients, etc. etc. etc. (for example) Here, I’m only talking about the action mechanism, as it relates to inflammation and spike.

[4] Gene snipping (aka “Genetic Transferring”) 101: basically, you have a DNA code in every cell in your body. A virus takes that DNA, “snips” out a section, and replaces that section with it’s own code. “Gene snipping” or “gene therapy” is a relatively new technology (decades or so old) where there is a lab-designed virus that does the latter execution, ostensibly for the benefit of the recipient. So, for example, theoretically you could “gene snip” faulty genetic code – my dairy sensitivity for example. Theoretically. In this case, this is an mRNA analogue to gene snipping – although the mRNA could modify your DNA via backcoding: we simply don’t know (see Chandramouly’s study from June 11, “Polθ reverse transcribes RNA and promotes RNA-templated DNA repair”).

[5] In other words, whatever cell it injects its coding into will “pop out” spike, which, when the cell dies, will float away and latch – i.e. causing an aggressive flood of more spike. Additionally, since your immune system knows that spike is the bad guy, this “tempts” your body to have an autoimmune reaction – if your immune system attacks your vax-modified cell + spike combo, it can easily wind up programming itself to attack all cells of that same type, regardless of whether they have spike protruding from them (aka an autoimmune reaction). This is almost certainly what happened to me.

[6] This is why the Covid injection essentially does absolutely nothing to stop transmission – by definition, it can’t. Any “protection” the injection might offer would only take effect in your bloodstream – Covid is free to replicate and transmit within your respiratory tract.

[7] NOT Covid generally. Only spike – and only alpha-variant spike. Not Delta. Not Omicron. Alpha only. That’s correct – when someone takes a “booster,” they are injecting themselves with another super-spike load of spike that is engineered to (supposedly) fight only alpha-variant covid. Not Delta. Not Omicron.

[8] See pg. 13:

Endnote: Takeaways

To make this more referrable, if you’re coming back to this, I’m including an endnote that summarizes my key takeaways. So, without further ado, here we go, in no particular order:

  1. For the <55 and healthy, I would argue Covid’s main threat is not acute covid – it’s massive long-term inflammation from Covid long-haul.
  2. Covid can kill you, or mess you up for life – or, most likely, dramatically shorten your lifespan. It can kill or hurt your babies. Take it seriously. (and, if you do take it seriously, you don’t have to worry about it).
  3. Don’t “take it seriously” the way the mainstream tells you to. Wearing a mask is stupid, and everybody knows it. It does absolutely nothing except stamp you as submitting to their campaign – whatever result they’re aiming for. Take it seriously, as in, do a real detox – and then live your life.
  4. If you’ve had Covid, START THE DETOX, yesterday. It’s 1,000% easier to prevent this bioweapon than it is to heal from it. (If you’ve had covid, but gotten early treatment – ivermectin, etc. – you’re likely fine).
  5. Speaking of detox – remember that the covid spike is inflaming your entire system, all at once. Don’t put too much pressure on any one part of your system by doing something extreme – e.g. eating a ton of fat, taking rowdy supplements, etc. etc. TAKE IT SLOW.
  6. If Covid is going around, don’t freak out. Gargle diluted (I do half and half with water) Apple Cider Vinegar once a day, or, if you want to really crack out the big guns, research nebulizing hydrogen peroxide.
  7. It’s a bioweapon. It’s meant to (a) kill you silently over the long term, without you realizing what it’s doing, and (b) turn your own body’s strengths against itself. If you’re thinking – “well, I’m super healthy, so I’m good.” Wrong. If you’re super healthy, good for you – but now Covid (potentially, if it successfully gets it’s hooks into you) has an even more powerful immune system, etc., to hijack and turn against you. Also, remember this: if you’re super healthy, your body has more ACE-2 receptors for Covid to work on. That’s why it hits professional athletes so hard in the heart – because their hearts are so healthy. This isn’t natural – it’s a bioweapon!
  8. The most powerful currency you own is your attention. Don’t squander your attention yelling at mainstream media. If you watch CNN, NBC, ABC, FOX, etc. – you’re giving the bad guys what they want. They don’t care if you agree with them. They only care that you pay attention to them. It is far more powerful to ignore them than to “watch them and DESTROY them.” The former: you win. The latter: they win. IGNORE THEM. I’ve been hoodwinked by the media – I thought if I ignored Covid, I was good. That’s exactly what they want – by paying attention to them, I played their game, and lost.
  9. You’re not going to “win.” This isn’t a fight against human intelligence. This is a battle against Principalities and Powers – demons. God’s going to win. Access the sacraments, rejuvenate your prayer life, and repent, spending whatever time we have left here wisely.
  10. Start networking with like-minded people, who don’t need to be convinced to do avoid the irrational and commence the reasonable. I use the Telegram app a lot, but I’m not convinced there’s any uncompromised technology anymore. Whatever.
  11. For heaven’s sakes, stay away from the “vaccine,” and whatever else will be touted as “necessary.” Health is not a common good – it is outside of the competency and jurisdiction of the government to mandate an ordinance (even if it were of reason) that primarily deals with your personal health. It’s amazing to me how many people, apparently reasonable people, have pressured themselves into believing otherwise – at the end of the day, I’ve talked to many many people who have gotten the “vax.” Not a single one has gotten it because they were primarily concerned for Covid. Every. Single. One. Has gotten it because of social pressure, and justified it and rationalized it. Don’t.